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The Lifebit Platform is an end-to-end solution for large-scale clinical and omic analyses using a Trusted Research Environment infrastructure. The Platform serves a wide range of users, including clinicians, researchers, and bioinformaticians.

Become a platform pioneer with our live training sessions. Learn how Lifebit's solutions can transform your research, accelerate results & get new data insights. Training sessions are a great way to learn tips & best practices.

Note that sessions are for registered Platform users only.

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Past training sessions

To watch the previous sessions, you will need access to Lifebit Documentation. If you are not onboarded to Lifebit services, please speak with your Client Manager/Administrator or raise a Help Desk ticket.

Series Date & Time Title
Data Science 7th Feb 2024
13 - 13:30 GMT
Exploring data to build cohorts for downstream analysis

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Data Science 21st Feb 2024
13 - 13:30 GMT
Building cohorts and tables using complex querying

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Data Science 6th Mar 2024
13 - 13:30 GMT
Preparing your genomic data files for downstream analysis

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Data Science 20th Mar 2024
13 - 13:30 GMT
Testing pipelines & running population genetic analysis on the command line

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Advanced Analytics 3rd Apr 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Importing data, tools and packages into your research environment

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Advanced Analytics 17th Apr 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Pipeline development, debugging pipelines & testing

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Advanced Analytics 1st May 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Parallelisation of Nextflow workflows using AWS Batch in the Lifebit Platform

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Advanced Analytics 29th May 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Running analysis on the Lifebit Platform using System Tool pipelines

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Data Factory 26th June 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Unlock the value of data - Standardising Data with Lifebit Data Factory

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Data Factory 10th Jul 2024
16 - 16:30 BST
Extract, transform and load to unlock analysis ready data

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