Lifebit Advanced Analytics
Powerful federated analytics, simplified & scalable
Drive breakthrough discoveries with data workflows & reproducible analyses
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Effortlessly run federated data analytics with Lifebit

Problem: Slow, inefficient analysis hinders the adoption and use of data for R&D Learn more

Improve Productivity


faster to deploy new pipelines & run analysis

Problem: 97% of hospital data is going untouched, due to lack of federated data solution to make this data accessible Learn more

Generate Insights


patients' data available to analyze via the world's only patented federated data network

Problem: Lack of no code, out-of-the-box advanced analytical workflows hinders collaboration Learn more

Collaborate & Scale


of no code end-to-end analytical apps available

Features to run large-scale bioinformatics analyses on your data

Run Nextflow & NF-Core pipelines with Lifebit 

Import & run any Nextflow pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Run containerized pipelines

Import & run containerized pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Run Lifebit pipelines

Run proven, best-in-class Lifebit pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Multi-platform federated support for near infinite scale

Experience native support for running analyses on AWS, Azure, GCP cloud & on-premise HPC environments utilizing batch executors to complete analysis in the shortest possible time.

Monitoring & troubleshooting

Enjoy extensive monitoring capabilities with breakdown of all stages of analysis for resource usage, cost management, access to logs and files, with greater detail than any other provider in the industry.

Reproducibility & traceability

Get all your analyses retained in the system allowing for future inquiry & allowing easy reproducibility by cloning any analysis in just a few clicks - faster and more efficiently than in other platforms.

Run Nextflow & NF-Core pipelines with Lifebit 

Import & run any Nextflow pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Run containerized pipelines

Import & run containerized pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Run Lifebit pipelines

Run proven, best-in-class Lifebit pipelines on-premise or on any cloud without needing to configure the cloud environment. With enterprise-grade security & access controls, cost controls, data management & discoverability, users can scale & reproduce scientific workflows with the most advanced monitoring in the industry.

Multi-platform federated support for near infinite scale

Experience native support for running analyses on AWS, Azure, GCP cloud & on-premise HPC environments utilizing batch executors to complete analysis in the shortest possible time.

Monitoring & troubleshooting

Enjoy extensive monitoring capabilities with breakdown of all stages of analysis for resource usage, cost management, access to logs and files, with greater detail than any other provider in the industry.

Reproducibility & traceability

Get all your analyses retained in the system allowing for future inquiry & allowing easy reproducibility by cloning any analysis in just a few clicks - faster and more efficiently than in other platforms.

Request a demo

Featured news & events

Trusted Research Environments for Data Commercialization
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Streamlined Workflows for Distributed Computing with Health and Biomedical Data
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Increasing Clinical Trial Success with Secure Data Platforms
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Accelerating Disease Research with Trusted Research Environments
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Enhancing Nextflow Pipelines with Advanced Analytics
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Accelerating Drug Target Identification with Secure Data Solutions
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How Imaging Data is Transforming Target Validation in Pharma
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Advances in oncological data analysis to transform patient outcomes
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The Cardiology Data Evolution: Advancing Women's Health
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Advancing Personalized Care with Lifebit’s Patient Management Module
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