Lifebit Connect
Data Catalog
Unlock the full potential of your data
Securely access, organize and manage your organization's data & connect to external data via federation
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Revolutionize your organization's data connectivity
& integration with federation

Problem: Data is fragmented, difficult to find & access, slowing down your research. Learn more

Save Time


faster to find, explore & connect your internal & external data

Problem: Limited technical expertise hinders complex cohort building across datasets, stalling analysis and insights Learn more

Explore Data


users able to explore data without specialist coding experience

Problem: Complex data access protocols slow down research.

Remove Complexity


faster data to insights with advanced access controls & intuitive tools

Features to connect & organize precision medicine data

Data catalog

Browse & discover relevant datasets from off-platform repositories & seamlessly & securely bring these data into the Lifebit workspace in a single click. This allows more efficient research across multiple datasets in a single location, and enables safe data sharing with other researchers, reducing data retrieval time by 60% compared to other platforms.

File explorer

Get comprehensive data management within your workspace, through a clear organisational structure. Users can easily import data from approved cloud locations and securely download datasets to a local environment, increasing efficiency with Lifebit's intuitive design.

Data access service

Achieve full control over data access within the workspace and enable data administrators to define access level controls for all users. This applies across individual files and folders in the file explore, making Lifebit Connect the most secure data platform on the market.

Publish to organization

Promote important research outputs from the workspace to the organization's wider data ecosystem. Identify & publish important data to the data catalog, enabling more efficient sharing and collaboration than any other platform.

Data catalog

Browse & discover relevant datasets from off-platform repositories & seamlessly & securely bring these data into the Lifebit workspace in a single click. This allows more efficient research across multiple datasets in a single location, and enables safe data sharing with other researchers, reducing data retrieval time by 60% compared to other platforms.

File explorer

Get comprehensive data management within your workspace, through a clear organisational structure. Users can easily import data from approved cloud locations and securely download datasets to a local environment, increasing efficiency with Lifebit's intuitive design.

Data access service

Achieve full control over data access within the workspace and enable data administrators to define access level controls for all users. This applies across individual files and folders in the file explore, making Lifebit Connect the most secure data platform on the market.

Publish to organization

Promote important research outputs from the workspace to the organization's wider data ecosystem. Identify & publish important data to the data catalog, enabling more efficient sharing and collaboration than any other platform.

Request a demo

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Increasing Clinical Trial Success with Secure Data Platforms
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Accelerating Disease Research with Trusted Research Environments
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Enhancing Nextflow Pipelines with Advanced Analytics
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Accelerating Drug Target Identification with Secure Data Solutions
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How Imaging Data is Transforming Target Validation in Pharma
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Advances in oncological data analysis to transform patient outcomes
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The Cardiology Data Evolution: Advancing Women's Health
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Advancing Personalized Care with Lifebit’s Patient Management Module
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