Lifebit Data Factory
Standardize & transform your precision medicine data
Gold standard data models to unlock analytics & get results within 2 hours
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Fragmented, low quality data is limiting research progress

Effortlessly harmonize precision medicine data

Problem: 97% of hospital data is going 
untouched.  Learn more

Generate Insights


more useable data available

Problem: 80% of data scientist’s time is spent cleaning and organizing data.  Learn more

Move Faster


of time spent cleaning data


on driving insights

Problem: 64% of health data users don’t have the expertise to easily standardize data.  Learn more

Collaborate & Scale


of users can clean data without specialist coding experience

Functionality to transform, standardize & link your clinical data

Data profiling

Profile and auto-fix data to ensure compatibility for loading in relational databases faster than other platforms

Mapping to Common Data Models (CDM) including OMOP

Map, review & approve data mappings to Common Data Models (CDM), including the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model, more accurately than other platforms

Extract, Transform, Load processing

End-to-end processing for the entire data standardization lifecycle, scaling across millions of observations, delivering results faster than other platforms

Standardized data quality reporting

Automatically generated reports for evaluating the quality of data, leveraging data quality dashboard tools that are best-in-class

Data profiling

Profile and auto-fix data to ensure compatibility for loading in relational databases faster than other platforms

Mapping to Common Data Models (CDM) including OMOP

Map, review & approve data mappings to Common Data Models (CDM), including the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model, more accurately than other platforms

Extract, Transform, Load processing

End-to-end processing for the entire data standardization lifecycle, scaling across millions of observations, delivering results faster than other platforms

Standardized data quality reporting

Automatically generated reports for evaluating the quality of data, leveraging data quality dashboard tools that are best-in-class

Request a demo

Certified for OMOP data standardization

Step 1

Create OMOP maps

Step 2

Profile & clean data

Step 3

Map to OMOP

Step 4

Ingest OMOP data

Featured news & events

Trusted Research Environments for Data Commercialization
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Streamlined Workflows for Distributed Computing with Health and Biomedical Data
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Increasing Clinical Trial Success with Secure Data Platforms
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Accelerating Disease Research with Trusted Research Environments
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Enhancing Nextflow Pipelines with Advanced Analytics
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Accelerating Drug Target Identification with Secure Data Solutions
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How Imaging Data is Transforming Target Validation in Pharma
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Advances in oncological data analysis to transform patient outcomes
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The Cardiology Data Evolution: Advancing Women's Health
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Advancing Personalized Care with Lifebit’s Patient Management Module
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